The 5 ways MCN can help dealers sell more bikes
Since its launch in 1955 Motorcycle News has been at the heart of buying and selling motorcycles. It’s the first choice for motorcyclists wanting the very best independent opinion, insight and testing to help them choose their next bike and offers dealers the best place to make sure their bikes are in front of the right motorcyclists when they’re ready to buy.
Radio campaign
A brand-new advertising campaign for MCN’s Bikes for sale section launched in January 2021. Running across many of Bauer’s radio stations including Absolute, Magic and the Greatest Hits network the response to this campaign was instant and dramatic.
To ‘Since launching on the 21st January average daily Google searches for MCN Bikes for Sale have more than doubled, 142% up for 21st Jan – 7th Feb 2021 compared to 1st Jan – 20 Jan 2021*.
Reaching 25.6M UK adults from mid Jan - mid March 2021
*Source – Google Search Console
MCN Bikes For Sale
Around 2 million* page impressions are created in MCN’s Bikes for Sale section every month.
MCN will post your bikes on Friday ads for no extra charge, adding to the reach and response of your ads.
Fair and competitive pricing means you will only pay for what you use.
Marketing such as the weekly Bikes for Sale Newsletter (sent to nearly 150,000 signed up people) and the classified section in MCN’s weekly Newspaper all promote and drive people to view dealer’s bikes on the MCN website.
Constantly updating with recent additions such as ‘Book a video appointment’ and the ability to upload videos to dealer’s listings set to be followed by a new look for this popular section.
Motorcyclenews.com targeted display advertising
Bauer Illuminate represents MCN's cutting-edge approach to reaching motorcyclists in search of their next bike. By understanding users' preferences through their interactions on Bauer's motorcycling websites and identifying those exploring insurance options on MCN Compare, the platform categorises them based on the style of bikes they are interested in. Bauer Illuminate then identifies these users and presents display advertising to them whenever they visit any Bauer Website. What’s more, this can all be done geographically to reach bike buyers close to your shop.
This highly refined targeting solution helps you deliver the most fitting bike, offer, or promotion to the right motorcyclists precisely when it matters most. The precision of these targeted ads has seen improved results for advertisers who are already using Illuminate.
MCN Regional Pages
Most targeted print advertising for dealers.
The bikes for sale section carries two regionalised pages for dealers looking to sell bikes to local motorcyclists.
MCN Social media posts
Take advantage of MCN’s Facebook channel to get unrivalled reach and engagement of UK motorcyclists on Facebook and Instagram
MCN Email data
With over 100,000 email addresses of UK motorcyclists, the MCN database provides great response to emails from MCN about your dealership and offers
Targetable by bike owned, geography etc.